Monday, November 18, 2013

That Moment When You Realize...

That DEFCAD was put together primarily for the distribution of 3D printed weapons. Check out the "Most Downloaded" tab...
(enlarge by clicking)

Makes sense though, Defense Distributed are the guys making these guns. DEFDIS, DEFCAD, I should have known all along! I guess they got pretty ticked off when Thingiverse banned the uploading of weapons on their website. From what I've read, DEFCAD has been coined "Anti-Makerbot" and "The Pirate Bay of 3D Printing." I found both of these sensationalist terms completely inaccurate, because:
a.) The page is COVERED in advertisements for Makerbot products
b.) These files are distributed for free anyway. No piracy going on here...

Overall, I love DEFCAD. I think the people behind it, however, are assholes. Cody Wilson, the mastermind behind it all, is stirring up quite the controversy in the media. And because the general public doesn't actually know anything about 3D printing, he's scaring the shit out of everyone. Everyone thinks that because of him, everyone has access to deadly weapons. Which is true, everyone has access. But to go through with all the printing and assembly of the weapons takes quite a bit of printing expertise  not to mention a printer that'll set you back at least 2000 dollars. Truth is, it's easier to make a weapon out of materials from Home Depot then it is via 3D printing. If you think a killer is going to rely on a one-shot-only-explode-a-pistol to get the job done, think again.

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