Friday, November 15, 2013

Bringing Manufacturing Back to America!

I just read this inspiring article (not too many of those on the internet these days) that talked about getting 3D printers into "every school" in America. Pledged by Makerbot, Autodesk, Stratasys, and even President Obama, it seems quite feasible that we can bring 3D printing to the forefront of our nation. The president affirmed "3D printing has the potential to revolutionize the way we make almost everything. We must ensure that the Next Industrial Revolution in manufacturing will happen in America. We can get that done." 

This is definitely good for anyone trying to make a career out of this. I feel that right now, 3D printing is still to complicated to be truly successful on a consumer level. Even if the software is easy to use, printers need constant maintenance. Regardless, I'm glad the President is on board with how powerful 3D printing can be in an economic sense. We have the power to free ourselves from the clutches of China! Which, might not be as great as it sounds, because the only reason they aren't pestering us about our debt is because we are still adding to it... But, we'll see. 

Check out this article, definitely worth the read:

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