Monday, October 6, 2014

Final Braclet Design

Had another go with TSplines and Grasshopper this afternoon. Here are the results, along with the process:

Here's my wire-frame that I will tsPipe out of existence.

 First attempt of the day. A bit boring for my tastes.

 That's more like it. This pipe includes added points to give it the vertical bars a diamond shape.

Again, I connected the bands with a cross-hatch pattern. This time there are more, I feel like the more there, the more support.

A quick render I did in Flamingo, just to give a sense of the whole object. I noticed upon rendering, that the cross-hatches were too thin, so I doubled their radii.
So fancy!

I plan on printed this in ABS, then giving the final print an Acetone vapor bath. This will yield a glorious, shiny wrist braclet!

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