Friday, October 3, 2014

Braclet Progress

This week, I've been busy rifling through the tutorials and videos on the awesome yet daunting Grasshopper plug-in for Rhino. Even better, I've been delving into some TSplines, notably: the tsPipe command. Thank you Autodesk for improving CAD software that you didn't even develop, am I right? Anyway, here's some progress I've made on the braclet. My idea is to make three separate bands that are connected by thin cross-hatches. Here's some shots:

An early tsPipe output.

 Final band design. I went with the a Diamond joint set and a radius of .02 (in).
 Here are the three together, now all we need to do is join them.
 Cross-hatches were HAND DRAWN IN, that was real fun.
 All together. Of course, I'm not satisfied. I think there should be more crosses, but less wide. They need to contrast the thickness of the band itself.

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