Thursday, October 24, 2013

Thingiverse Picks of the Week

Now that I'm utterly obsessed with Thingiverse, I've decided to do a weekly list of the five awesome designs every week...

1.) Hilbert Cube
Comments: I like this design because it encapsulates the wavy 3d-printed aesthetic in a simple box shape. And it even looks cooler printed!

2.) Holy Batman Shelf!
Comments: This school seriously needs a bigger printer solely for the purposes of printing this shelf. THIS IS THE COOLEST THING EVER! Thingiverse is really the greatest thing in the world. A website filled with groundbreaking designs that cost nothing beyond the raw materials... Love it.

3.) Pet Monster Chubs
Comments: I feel that of everything I see on Thingiverse, the things I'd print the most are just toys. From Millennium Falcons to custom toys, Thingiverse has everything you need to be a giving father and still spend all your time on the computer. 

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