Friday, October 25, 2013

3D Printers in Haiti

When Dr. Adrian Bowyer (founder of the RepRap project) began RepRap, one of his main goals was to bring these self-replicating machines to improvised countries. I found it very inspiring and totally possible when I saw videos of the RepRap project in South Africa. A whole digital fabrication lab being eagerly used by both kids and adults, it was truly amazing. 

Now, although the printers being used in Haiti are Makerbot Replicators, the heart of the idea is there regardless. I feel that 3D printers are a great solution to many of these countries problems. Haiti is a country lacking infrastructure, so there's literally no way to ship things to citizens. 3D printing can help alleviate both of these issues. In everything I've read, the people of these impoverished countries have quickly picked up on the CAD software, and seem to really enjoy it. 

The article below talks of Haitians 3D printing umbilical cord clamps... This is only the beginning of what this technology could do to help bring these nations out of poverty.

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